Monday, October 09, 2006

"Frost On The Pumpkin"

This is the little fountain I bought for our backyard in the spring... I love the sound of running water, even being mostly deaf, ha!!! As a result of a few nights of frost, I brought the fountain inside, and will shine a little green spotlight on it to match the colours for ambience, etc... Now I'll have running water to listen too, inside, until the spring...

Hasn't been a lot to publish the past few days... Had a great visit with my buddy Donnie from NB, as he came over for 4 - 5 days, for a little golf and overall R&R, as his health hasn't been the best... I look forward to a short trip in a few weeks, to good friends Gary and Corinne Silliker, (Mahone Bay, NS) during the Remembrance Day weekend... Along with a few other "StanFest Hiller" friends, we will be welcoming Corinne home from Kabul, (Afghan.) where she's been working in security the past 2 years, and at the same time, saying goodbye to our good friend Leah G., who is picking up and moving to Ontario... Gary too just returned from Kabul in June... He was working for the UN, overseeing many different projects... Along with Remembrance Day services, and "beaucoup de" socializing, it should be a grand affair... I hope to pick up my new RCMP Veteran's blazer prior to the journey, if all goes as planned... I'll sign off for now... "Slainte All"... (Pronounced "Slan-cha", meaning "cheers" in Gaelic or Irish)



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